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Summary: It's all about HIM.

Rated: PG

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: None


Series: None

Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes

Word count: 279 Read: 759

Published: 06 Aug 2009 Updated: 06 Aug 2009

Sean glared down at the cover of the magazine for a moment before hurriedly flipping the pages until his eyes came to rest on the article of interest. And there it was. Just like the last one, and the one before that, and the one before that. The same long article interlaced with pictures from HIS various roles, praising HIS versatility, HIS looks, HIS commitment to his work.

No one wrote stuff like that about Sean in these magazines. Their idea of a compliment was saying how well he played a bad guy. Fuck. Boromir wasn't even a bad guy. Were these people so stupid that they couldn't see that?

Besides, it wasn't like HE played such great people. Crooks, murders, adulterers. Yet for some reason HIS characters were likable. It didn't matter if HIS characters did the right thing, or if they even had a reason to be so cruel.

And HE couldn't even speak properly. At least Sean could speak English the way it was meant to be spoken, not mumbled under his breath with some odd skew to it. And Sean knew how to dress, how to shave, when to cut his hair, and how to be on time. HE didn't know how to do these things. Yet HE was given so much more attention.

Sean felt his eyes dampen as he crushed the magazine in his hands. Then suddenly HE was standing behind Sean, holding Sean close, kissing the tears as they spilled down Sean's cheeks, waiting until the shaking stopped. And Sean forgot that he cared that the rest of the world was in love with HIM, because HE was in love with Sean.