Summary: Once upon a time, Sean and Viggo were both assigned to the Enterprise-D

Rated: PG-13

Categories: Actor RPS Pairing: Sean/Viggo

Warnings: AU


Series: Breathing in Space

Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes

Word count: 14286 Read: 5228

Published: 02 Aug 2009 Updated: 02 Aug 2009

It had not been the best of days. Having a multi-leg itinerary in order to rendezvous with the Enterprise, Sean expected a few delays and connection problems. But miscommunications and faulty technology had turned the first part of the trip into an absolute nightmare, and now he had been stuck at this outpost for four days waiting for his scheduled shuttle. His patience, long grown thin, was now non-existent.

He did one last check in his cramped guest quarters for any items he may have forgotten. Supposedly his shuttle would be leaving this morning, and he had every intention of being in the shuttle bay early in case it could possibly take off before its scheduled departure. His biggest worry was that the Enterprise would be in transporter range before the shuttle was ready. Once in flight they'd simply let him dock; he had an excuse all prepared for why the pilot needed to come on board for a few minutes. But if he was still on the ground they'd expect him to be turned into some kind of matter stream and have his molecules scattered across the universe. Even thinking about it made Sean break into a sweat.

"That damn shuttle better be ready today," he grumbled as he grabbed his bag and left the room for what he hoped was the last time.


The doors to the shuttle bay slid open and Sean found himself entering an empty room. Or rather, a room without any shuttles. Just a few feet inside, a man was squatting on the ground rummaging through a small duffel and quietly talking to himself. The constant stream of words got progressively more agitated until with a grunted curse he picked up the bag and dumped all its contents on the ground.

Sean cleared his throat. "Excuse me."

The man turned around and gave Sean a huge smile as he stood to face him. His hair was slightly too long for Starfleet standards, but he wasn't wearing a regulation uniform either so Sean assumed he was most likely a civilian at the station. There was a calmness that seemed to surround him and much of Sean's irritation from the past few days began to melt away. He was handsome, to be sure, but his eyes are what transfixed Sean. {{Endless and soulful}}, he thought to himself, making an effort to stop staring so blatantly. The man just seemed to smile even more broadly.

"You must be Sean Bean, our new doctor," he said as he walked forward.

Sean shook the offered hand. "I've just been assigned to the Enterprise, yes." The strong grip sent a jolt of electricity up his arm, and even though he didn't want to he forced himself to let go.

The smile on the man's face faltered only slightly as they shook hands, and for a second he looked almost disappointed when they separated. "I'm Viggo. Engineering."

"You're Starfleet?"

Although it seemed impossible, Viggo's smile became brighter accompanied by a hearty laugh. "Don't let the hair or clothes fool you. I'm returning from a mission and definitely need a visit to the barber."

"Sorry, didn't mean to sound so surprised."

"No problem." Viggo turned back toward the confused pile of items.

"Need a hand?" Sean asked, putting his cases down and joining Viggo crouched on the floor.

"I thought I packed something in here and now I can't find it," he replied as he began shifting things around on the floor.

"What is all this stuff?"

"Most of it are things I brought to keep in the Captain's good graces. He's never fully embraced the idea of one his crew going off for months at a time on other assignments so I always make sure to bring back as many archaeological pieces as I can."

Sean picked up a small stone-like figure that felt surprisingly warm to the touch. "You're an engineer and an archaeologist?"

"Cultural sociologist, actually." For a moment Viggo couldn't take his eyes off Sean's hands as the delicate fingers explored the artifact. He began imagining those hands on his skin, kneading and massaging tense muscles, and had to bite back a groan. To distract himself, he started to re-pack the bag. "I, um, I have an affinity for languages, so a couple of times a year I go on these cultural submersion missions, kind of pre-first contact, ya know? Surgically altered, live in the community, minimal field support."

Sean was impressed; it took a lot of skill, intelligence and courage to go on those assignments. He smiled at Viggo's obvious embarrassment at the admiration. "What if you don't know the language? Do you have a universal translator?"

"Yes and no, but it definitely takes a little longer and I often have to make a second visit." He sat back on his heels. "First it's more covert, setting up surveillance equipment and hiding out in a duck blind, listening and learning. I hate that, being cooped up in a box with a bunch of scientists."

Both men laughed, finding their eyes once again drawn to each other. "Yeah, so the post is equipped with translation software and by the time I'm there they've collected enough speech samples to program it and get it working properly. But you can't really learn a language that way; I only use it if something is proving particularly difficult. Even on these first visits I try to convince command to let me move among the people, eavesdrop on conversations or listen to public broadcasts. Then I go back a few months later to live with them, really learn about them and their society, their customs. That's what I've just been doing, so ..." He gestured at his head and smirked, then leaned forward again to move more items into the bag.

Without thinking, Sean reached out and swept Viggo's hair off his forehead. Suddenly realizing what he had done, he abruptly pulled his hand back and stood, awkwardly walking further into the room. "Sorry," he muttered, clutching his hand to retain the sensation of silky strands against his fingers.

Viggo stared at Sean's back, still feeling the slight touch on his forehead. "Don't be."

Sean turned his head and their eyes locked, both taken by the unshuttered honesty they could see within them. It was Viggo who broke the spell, looking back down at the floor. The silence began to grow and Viggo regretted not being able to continue meeting Sean's gaze. He had wanted to walk over to Sean and show him how much he liked his touch, but had been too nervous to act.

"What brings you to the Enterprise?" he asked, idly picking up some of the items before putting them back down again.

Sean missed the warmth and desire he saw in Viggo's eyes and wished he hadn't backed away after unconsciously reaching for him. But the soft question was a slight shock, and he was jerked from his thoughts. He had rehearsed a response to this question but now, to this man, it didn't feel right to give his speech. He didn't want any half-truths between them; for some reason he needed Viggo to know everything.

"I served on the Madison for several years," he began, slowly walking away. Viggo froze and quickly looked up at Sean, seeing the evident stress in his posture. "About three years ago I took a sabbatical to teach at Starfleet Academy for a year. And, well, you probably know what happened then."

"Sean ..."

"I remember getting word that the ship had been destroyed. I hadn't even heard that they were being sent to engage the Borg and then all of a sudden they were gone. No survivors. After my year at the Academy was over, I had a chance to be on the Phoenix but the idea of going back, of being on a ship, was too hard." Sean had been walking as he talked, finally reaching the control console at the far side of the room. He bent forward to lean against it, his head slightly bowed. "I kept the post at the Academy for another few months, tried to get my head together, then set out on the Nobel. It was a good fit for a while, but I'm ready to be back with a full crew, with varied missions. I'm ready."

Sean's voice trailed off as he repeated the words, as if he was also trying to convince himself. A hand on his shoulder was a welcome surprise, its gentle squeeze an anchor to ground him. Sean took a deep breath then turned around and gave Viggo a slight smile.


Viggo just nodded and lightly tightened his grip on the doctor's shoulder, for a moment rubbing his thumb along Sean's collar. Without another word, the two men walked back toward the entrance and continued the task of putting the various items back in Viggo's bag.

"There it is," Viggo announced quietly, picking up a small wooden box. "Don't know how I couldn't see it before."

"What's that then?" Sean asked, feeling more settled and at ease, amazed at how comfortable he felt around this man.

"Rumor has it you're a big fan of kal-toh, Sean."

"Yeah, but how did you ..."

"I have my sources." Viggo gave a sly, teasing smile, and Sean couldn't help but respond with a smile of his own, being pulled further away from his dark memories.

"I was told I'd be escorting you on board since we would both be passing through here. Although," he added conspiratorially, "I'm pretty sure they weren't particularly happy about that. A scruffy lieutenant isn't exactly Starfleet's choice for an official greeter."

"I'll take a 'scruffy' lieutenant over a proper captain any day."

"I'm glad." Viggo's grin softened and he paused for a moment before continuing. "I wanted to do something to show that I knew how to be suitable and refined with the best of them. So I asked a few questions, did a little digging. The Rho'con have a similar game called arcyon and I bought a set for you at the market yesterday. I had a whole formal speech prepared but ..."

He handed the box to Sean who carefully opened the lid and saw the series of copper-colored rods that lay in rows inside. The lid showed a picture of the completed game, the patterns complex and challenging. He looked up at Viggo in amazement. How could this man who had never met him before have instinctively purchased such an extraordinary gift? He must have heard several little tidbits of information from various people, yet he had honed in on the one thing that would be a perfect match.

They looked at each other for what felt like several minutes, neither really knowing what to say but not ready to end this moment. It should have been unnerving, two strangers sitting in silence staring into the others eyes, but instead both found it comforting and welcomed the flood of desire that washed through them.

The chirp of Viggo's communicator made them both jump.

"Enterprise to Lieutenant Mortensen."

Viggo blinked a couple of times then tapped his comm badge.

"Mortensen here."

"Are you and Dr. Bean ready to come aboard?"

"Yes, sir."

"We should be in the Rho'con system in three minutes and ready for transport in five. Enterprise out."

Viggo looked up at the panicked face of his companion. "Sean?"

"Transport?" Sean practically squeaked, not quite sure if he had heard correctly.


"We're going to transport to the ship."

"What's the big deal?"

"I was expecting to take a shuttle."

"We're in an empty shuttle bay. What did you think we were going to do? Build one by hand first."

Sean was getting a little angry now. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Look, we just started talking and to be honest I didn't think it'd be a problem. Why didn't you ask?"

Sean huffed out a breath in agitation, but had to admit Viggo was right. He'd noticed the empty bay as soon as he came in, but speaking to Viggo had completely distracted him. He wondered when was the last time he had been so engrossed in someone that he forgot what was around him or what he was supposed to be doing. He couldn't remember. Shaking his head, he let out a short laugh.

"I'm sorry. It's not your fault. I just ... I really don't want to transport. Isn't there another way for us to go?"

Viggo's eyes lit in recognition. "You have transporter phobia."

"Not so much a phobia. More of a ..." Sean stood and scrubbed his hand across his face a few times. He might feel an affinity toward this man, but there was no way he would let himself fall apart in front of him. There was only one option and he had no choice but deal with it. "We need to get ready to leave," he mumbled, heading back toward the door to retrieve his belongings.

Viggo watched Sean reign in his fear and try to contain it behind his natural strength. He wanted to reassure him but thought it best to let Sean face it in his own way. His communicator beeped just as he finished repacking his case.

"Enterprise to Mortensen."

"Hey there, Chief."

"Viggo! How's our resident nomad?"

"Doing fine. Give us a sec, would you Miles?"

"Only just. There's an ion storm heading our way."


Viggo looked at Sean who stood unnaturally rigid a few steps away.


Sean gave a curt nod, his lips pressed into a thin line.

"If it helps I'll hold your hand."

Sean barked out a laugh. "Yeah and risk having some of your atoms get mixed in with mine? I don't think so."

"Come on. Would it be that bad to swap little molecular pieces with me?"

"If I swapped anything biological with you it'd have nothing to do with molecules." He snapped his head around and looked at Viggo wide-eyed, a blush beginning to creep up his cheeks.

"Oooh, smooth talker."

They both began to cackle with laughter.

"Shall we?" Viggo asked as they caught their breath.

"Yes, yes let's go."

"Enterprise, two to beam up."


As they rematerialized in the transporter room, Viggo glanced over at Sean and saw him visibly relax as he found himself still in one piece.

Riker stepped forward. "Dr. Bean," he said, shaking Sean's hand. "Commander William Riker. Did you have a good trip?"

Sean swallowed hard and coughed to get control of his voice. "Yes, it was fine."

"Good. If you'll come this way, we'll get you settled in your quarters." He turned to Viggo. "Lieutenant, glad to have you back."

Riker ushered Sean out of the transporter room, beginning to give a brief summary of ship's procedures as he went. Stepping just outside the door, Viggo stopped and watched Sean walk down the corridor. He couldn't quite believe what had happened between them at the station, but it had been too long since someone had caused butterflies in his stomach and made his heart beat faster. "Welcome to the Enterprise," he whispered.

Sean turned and smiled, hitting Viggo square in the chest, then waved as he and Riker disappeared around the corner. {{Man, I got it bad}}, Viggo thought, pulling his bag further up his shoulder and moving in the opposite direction toward his cabin.