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Summary: Five Perspectives...

Rated: PG-13

Categories: LOTR FPS Pairing: Aragorn/Boromir

Warnings: None


Series: None

Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes

Word count: 530 Read: 697

Published: 02 Aug 2009 Updated: 02 Aug 2009

Perspective 1

Want sword.
Not got sword.
Want sword.
Got stick.
Like stick.
Sticky sword!
Got sword!
My sword!
Whoosh! Wallop! Whack!
Can’t see.
Wall too high.
Me too small.
Want to see.
Bad wall.
Hit wall.
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
Want to see!
Grandfather’s arms.
Bit wobbly.
Hang on tight!
Can see now.
Lots of horsies!
Lots of noises!
Lots of swordsies!
Lots of faces!
All shouty...
Don’t like.
Hug grandfather.
Grandfather wobbly.
Not safe.
Going to cry…
Sniff. Snuffle. Hiccough.
Strong arms.
Not wobbly.
Nice voice.

Perspective 2

What does the child want now?
What’s he yammering about?
And where on earth did he get that stick?
Stop it! You’ll hurt somebody, take an eye out with it.
Well, yes, father, maybe only a dwarf’s but he has to learn to behave, especially on occasions like this.
Oh blessed Valar, now he’s started snivelling! That’s all we need.
Don’t expect me to act the nanny, one of us has to retain some measure of dignity in public.
And what exactly is that man doing up here anyway?
Should be down there with the common soldiery where he belongs.

Perspective 3

Oh let the child be!
If he wants a sword he can have a sword, even if it is only a stick.
It’s a sword to you, isn’t it lad?
Why shouldn’t he want one?
Going to be a good soldier like your father, aren’t you?
Come here, my big brave boy.
Shhhh….. All new and frightening, yes, I know, I know.
Fret not, little hero, all's well.
Doing? What is he doing up here?
Being a strong pair of arms to keep safe that which I value most dearly, that which is more precious to me than life itself!

Perspective 4

The first time I held him close was at his grandfather’s birthday parade, high up on the Citadel balcony.

He wanted a sword like everyone else, one of his very own. I broke off a branch from some potted ornamental shrub, stripped it of leaves and shaped a sort of blunt point.

When he was lifted up to see the crowds it was all too much and he burrowed into his grandfather’s robe.

Next thing I knew he was in my arms, warm and wriggling.

He smelt of milk and honey and I loved him more than words can say.

Perspective 5

My earliest memory - though it's all fuzzy and distorted now, sensation rather than recollection - we were so very high up and the crowds below so very big and frightening, a sea of faces all looking and cheering at me!.

Grandfather’s hair smelt of comforting pipeweed and bay, but I think I wriggled too much and he couldn’t hold me and wave at the same time.

The arms that took me were so strong, the voice that whispered so gentle.

Never felt as safe as I did in those arms that day.

Wanted to stay there forever.

Still do.

Always will.